Sunday, 27 July 2014

Beyond Appian Way?

I'm currently sitting collapsed on my couch in the lounge room, after approximately 36 hours of travel getting from Boston, MA to Sydney, NSW. I have a warm, fluffy, slightly overweight cat sitting on my lap and a cup of caffeine beside me, as my body tries to figure out what time zone I'm in. 
(For the record, I think I'm floating somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.)

So, in my attempts to somehow stay awake until a socially acceptable bedtime, I'm doing some reflecting on the events of the last week that have gotten me into this very unattractive, sleep-deprived state.

I've just come back from a week at Harvard Graduate School of Education, attending Project Zero Classroom - an annual summer institute that invites participants from all over the globe to share insights and understandings into the various ventures of the Project Zero researchers. 

I'm still getting a little thrill saying that I studied at Harvard.

Oh what's this? Why yes, It's my HARVARD ID.

I spent the week working 10 hour days, learning from some of the most incredible educational researchers and minds of this era. It was exhausting but absolutely exhilarating. I felt empowered, engaged and ready to take on the world - that was the atmosphere created by the forward-thinking group of participants who gathered for this conference. 
Oh look - I was in a lecture with HOWARD GARDNER! :O
Even in our most stressful moments, the positive energy created and facilitated by the attendees pulsated throughout campus, lifting us up and reassuring us that we are doing something amazing, not only for our students, but for our own development as teachers. This was achieved through our plethora of activities to make our thinking visible, including art assignments, thinking routines and a surprising amount of interpretive dance. You can check out some of our zany antics (and some truly stunning pictures of me) on our Smore here.
You heard it here first - Tissue paper is in this summer.
Sounds incredible, right?

It was.

So now, as my cat's fat rolls slowly envelop my legs and I drink caffeine to prevent any keyboard drooling, I'm starting to think formatively about my situation. What is the next piece of learning for me? Where should I go next?

As teachers, we know the best way to figure out our next stepping stone is to look back at where we have already walked. So this week, I'm going to be bringing to you my adventures at HGSE - the highlights of my foray into the depths that is Making Thinking Visible, and my reflections on how it can be used in a public school classroom. 

And, as per usual, feel free to languish in my wit and generally incredible humour.

In addition, I'm hoping to start up a 'study group' of sorts for interested parties, so that anyone who is interested in learning more about MTV, or just want to give it a go, can take part. If this tickles your fancy, feel free to tweet me @bswain1, or email me at